Red Faction II (PS2, Xbox, GC, Windows) (gamerip) (2002)

I have had problems playing the first track: Chancellor Sopot's Speech.
I have used a download manager and this still didn't fix the problem.
Any chance of getting it fixed?
Red Faction 2 and Half-life 2, best games ever. Tracks are awesome! I wish to thank this site for being there and provided these tracks. Thank you!
Great,I love the first and second games,and sence I play multiplayer a lot i figured out a lot of them are resused or tuned,or at least use a similar rythm pattern,for instance 2-17 (multiplayer #1) is RF 1's menu music with added rifts,multiplay er 3 is one of RF 1's early mission BMG's with an longer into and combined with a RF1 multiplayer song,and as one other had said,there are a few arena songs missing,most notably one that is an exact copy from the first one,Two Ton Heavy Thing,wich plays at a high frequency,you can find it in the Red Faction track also on this site,....oh yeah GREAT game and GREAT soundtrack
Great songs from a... well, an ok game. Probably the weakest of the four game-wise and the strongest music-wise. :D
Some of these tracks (Alone In The Dark, Battle Armour, possibly others...) seem to skip though.