MediEvil Resurrection Original Soundtrack (2006)

Medievil is one of THE best game series EVER!
The music AND game play is IMMENCE!
I just hope they bring out a medievil game for PS3..
Like the rest of you - I TOO Hope that a Medievil 3 shall come out soon!
The music is (as always) BRILLIANT and the gameplay is witty, humorous and always easy to master!

Excellent jeu ! La musique qui l'accompagne va sublimement avec ce type de jeu. Des musique bien rythmées et belles à écouter (surtout la piste 3 : Home of the Dead)
This game is my absolute favourite, the gameplay was excellent, the music everything. the music from this album is hauntingly beautiful
I love medievil!
Best Series ever!
(tho ressurection kinda disapointed me for being a comedy other that a goth style adventure)

A nd i heard somewhere that they're ACTUALLY doing a Medievil game for ps3.
Lets hope its a new game and not a remake
my whole life ive been driven to music and soundtrack, as specially Medievil. i am a little sad
that they have changed so much in the gameplay, design and OST, but its pretty okey for a remake though.

long live Medievil
Love this. Maybe one day when we're all very old a Medievil 3 will come out. Possibly made by fans, who knows. Everybody says resurrection was kind of a joke, but ill try it just because i love Medievil. Always wanted to know, what kind/style of music is this?
A brilliant soundtrack, like the game itself.
Hope someday new Medievil will be realised, even if the studio-develope r has already closed.