Hmm, this is old. Brings back fond Mario game memories though =P Isn't Mario on his 30th anniversary or something now?
old but good i love the overworld bgm sweet! mario is an old fav for me but i haven't played in a while
I wish i had more mario games super smash bros. is kick ... i want to play the old supermario world just for fun and kick some koopa butt
Excellent choice of songs, captures essence of Mario Music very well, though an overabundance of Sunshine songs throws it off just a little.
This is a collection of Mario music from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine, and the music is good, but we don't need it because the soundtracks from all these games are already available.
This is a collection of Mario music from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine, and the music is good, but we don't need it because the soundtracks from all these games are already available.
Who are you that you decide for other people what they need?