Dark Reign 2 (PC-GR)

THANK YOU! YOU PEOPLE ARE GODS! I am so happy to find this music again. Well, I love dark reign, and dark reign didn't really love me. You see, it had a crack in it, luckily I was smart and copied the disk so my friends could play on a lan. Well, time ran out for poor dark reign 2, and the disk shattered in my drive, destroying my drive. So I only own the copy, but, The music got corrupted during the burning, and it sounds like KSHSKSHKHSKSHKSHKSHKSHSK. So, no music for my favorite game ever, but after years of searching, I FOUND THE MUSIC, and I'll put it back in the game with the mp3 add-on utility! THANK YOU SO MUCH, you just made my day, NO! My life! Probably about ten times over! Your gods, Be proud! -TCS
I has the game before, but the CD of the original go down in the floor, and it ruined, I found the game again, I love this game so much, but I dont know where I need to put this music