Burn:Cycle (1994)

The reason I love this game so much is because of it's conception of the future.

not to mention the great music. Simon Boswell is a musical genius. ranking up there with Kevin Quinn, George Sanger and Nobuo Uematsu.

I just want to say that this soundtrack from this classic 90's game is so AWESOME" I love this music, its so catchy" its just so perfectly put together with a lot of thought into it! iv always at some point got to listen to it! its just so cool. and every time I do listen to it, it brings me back to the year of such a cool classic game

I bought this game when it came out. I beat the game in 2 hours, and I listened to the soundtrack for years until the disk got scratched. I am so happy to be able to listen to the soundtrack again.
I remember playing this game on my first computer and falling in love with its story. Wish I could get my hands on another copy. Another note to mention is that this game came with the audio soundtrack on CD