Rhythm Heaven (NDS)

This is perfect. The only thing its missing are the tracks from the endless minigames. Other than that, I'm glad to have finally found a place with all of the downloads. Think it'd be great to see the Rhythm Tengoku tracks from the GBA next. :D
I agree with Sprite Fuser. This is perfect, except for the endless mini game soundtracks. Could you possibly also get the ending credits music, the one directly after Airboarders? Then, this collection would be complete.
Well, it's a good soundtrack, but why the heck isn't this an instrumental? The in-game sounds are kinda distracting. If possible, please upload a version that does NOT have the sound effects over the music.
The last track is first. Amazing. This exists. Amazing. Rhythm Heaven is one of my favorite games
Only downside is that it has sound from the rhythm games and some games are missing, but other than that it's amazing.