SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PS2, Xbox, GC) (gamerip) (2003)

Underrated Gem.The first couple of tracks like jellyfish fields and sand mountain hit home run! The rest, excluding slides and downtown Bikini Bottom, are for different tastes. I compare both games soundtrack, made by the same developer, Heavy Iron to Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2. At first you have a paradise feel in the 1st game, the you hit hard rock with Spongebob Squarepants the Movie Game.
Great soundtrack. Most of the tracks captured what the show felt like. R.I.P. Stephen Hillenburg. August 21, 1961 - November 26, 2018. Thanks for the great cartoons on Nickelodeon.
Not only do I love the game, the music is amazing. Especially the industrial park theme. Also, I'm really excited for the remake
How did we go from a game as awful as Revenge of the Flying Dutchman to this BEAUTIFUL masterpiece of a SpongeBob game?
It's amazing how this game has stood the test of time, even after 20 years, the graphics, the sound design, the framerate, the movement, the controls, just everything about it has never aged a single femtosecond. Just shows how this has stuck as the "best licensed game" for 2 decades because every other licensed game is usually a cashgrab to cash in on kid's imaginations.