Nintendo Switch Sound Effects (Switch) (gamerip) (2017)

Ahh... Listen to the great "Soundtrack" of the Switch (sarcasm intended). While the Switch only has 2-second "clicks", the Wii, Wii U, and the 3DS have system soundtracks that, no matter what, everyone will always remember. Nintendo is also discontinuing the eShop on the Wii U and the 3DS. Just goes to show that game companies are slowly trying to "search and destroy" our childhood.
Society if the Nintendo Switch had a personality:

It hurts so bad. The Switch could at the very least have different color themes than just white and black. But no. The Switch is over 6 years old and still lifeless as it was when it came out. There were several color themes and also an eShop song planned to be used but were removed from the final release for whatever reason:
What happened to the charm of the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS? It's what made those consoles so special... Now the 3DS/Wii U era is over since the eShop is closed...