Shin Hikari Shinwa Palutena no Kagami Original Soundtrack (2012)

Love this game so much. It gave me the feels when listening to this soundtrack again. I lost my 3ds a long, long time ago in a hotel, and never again could enjoy that game. I was not able to buy another 3ds and even less able to buy Kid Icarus Uprising. It was a sad day, lol. Filler filler more filler filler filler filler fileler filler filler filler filler fllei filler I gav up a whil ago blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ablah a blnocli
I don't have the game but I would love the soundtrack also I try to avoid as much spoilers as I can Game-play-wise meaning I try to avoid videos that use the top screen so I can be surprised on how the game goes. I like the characters and I have a 3ds so i can get a pre-owned version of the game.
This is legit one of the BEST games I have ever played. The story was elaborate and entertaining, and the characters were full and well developed. Yeah, the controls were a little challenging at first, but I soon realized that they actually helped me advance into the game. Of course, video game soundtracks are one of my favorite things, and Kid Icarus really had some amazing composition. Especially Dark Pit's theme. That one song was so different from the others, and I absolutely LOVED it. 20/10 would play five more times.
corn nuts amazing, the best video game soundtrack ever made! Kid Icarus: Uprising is my favourite game ever made, and for good reason. The soundtrack, along with everything else makes this one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had in video gaming! Everyone complaining about the controls just need to play the game long enough to realise that this control scheme actually works just fine!
Everything is perfect, except one thing. One of the songs is missing! Song 3-03 should be the theme for Chapter 18, but instead it's a repeat of Wrath of the Reset Bomb. If I had another issue, it would be the lack of FLAC or WAV files, but if the original CD didn't come with it, you can't help that.
Oh my lady Palutena (see what I did there) I could listen to this ost for the rest of my life. I would die fighting for a switch reboot. WE NEED MORE KID ICARUS