Soft de Hard na Monogatari (X68000) (gamerip) (1988)

TRACK 9 IS A REMIX OF THAT CHIME YOUR DRYER PLAYS WHEN IT'S DONE! Track 26 also sounds like KK Rally from Animal Crossing, if you're familiar with that.

Anyway, this album is a nice, lowkey remix of various classical music tracks. The usage of these leitmotifs is done in a more subtle fashion than Parodius and the album even manages to retain a Classical music feeling even when the leitmotifs are not being invoked. Some of the more obvious instances of these motifs, aside from track 9, are tracks 15-18. That being said, tracks are generally good, albeit there are some that are just standout bad (Track 29, for instance, begins pretty but then has obvious sour notes and only gets worse). Anyway, if you're not familiar with System Sacom, they hired a young Austrian-trained pianist named Manabu Saito who created just some amazing tracks but sadly died in 1992 at the young age of 22.. I'm not completely sure if he was the composer for this album, but it would make sense. Aside from that, overall a decent album, 8.25/10.

Great: Track 5
Also Good: Tracks 7, 8, 11, 20 (wait a few secs), 23, 24, 28