Sion II: The First Attack (OPM) (X68000) (gamerip) (1992)

This album has some of the best tracks on the X68000 in my opinion and it is definitely one of the best if not the best shooter album on the system. Every track has a distinct sound, the instruments are clear, the synthesizer sings and the progression is phenomenal and varied. Sion I's album is great but Sion II just makes it so much better. That being said, there are still some weaker tracks. I Don't Know Who She Is, while overall great, has some slow parts that take away its overall exceptionalness. Sighing in the Wind and An Old Picture are also slow, albeit still good. Overall, 9.67/10.

Listen to it all, but:
Most Noteworthy Tracks: Smart Bomber2, It Doesn't Amount to Anything, Gather Way!, and I Don't Know Who She Is