Gackt - Mars

gackt is a uniqe artist with an amazing voice it's no wonder he's big in Japan the unfortunate thing is that in the U.K no-one has heard of him apart from those that heard redemption on the end of Dirge of Cereberus plus i think one of the other reasons is because he sings mainly in Japanese but on the other hand we listen to il divo and they sing in about fourty languages so that kind of cacels out my last comment but any way gackt is a talented singer and if he did a concert in scotland i would go see him
to be honest i think he's voices is amazing and people other then anime and japanese rocks fans should listen to him and i love vanilla(i blame my gf sora for getting to like that song.)5 stars from me!!!
Track number 5 — this was such a gem of a song. I was still a middle schooler when I heard this song and I kept on singing this not knowing it was a song about getting aroused, a song full of sexual innuendos.