Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2, Xbox, GC, Windows) (gamerip) (2005)

Ahh, the nostalgia is strong with this one! Not only is it a great game, but the soundtrack is incredible! This is a game and soundtrack you do not want to miss out on!
THIS WEBSITE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! I GOT THE LARGEST CASE OF NOSTALGIA!!!!!! !!
The audio is very, VERY slightly higher pitched than the actual game's music, and that bothers me a bit. Well, more than a bit actually.
I have several problems with this album. The music is slightly higher pitched, just enough to notice, it's very inconsistent, and the songs don't have names. Also, several of the themes interrupt several different tracks, and all of them suddenly cut off at the end. The quality of the music is the only reason it's not getting a one. It is really high quality, I'll give it that. I suggest looping the songs once or twice, adding anfade out at the end of all of them, fixing the pitch of them, and having better organization with the songs (not repeating some of them), and actually giving them names