Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain (PS2) (gamerip) (2004)

Excellent work of Mark Snow, he have managed to combine ethnical music with chamber music, this is not easy at all! Unfortunately some of the liks are corrupted and one is missing :(
(posted by Drunken Ninja
I WISH he remade the syphon filter 2s song that u get in the crash site level and the morgan fight. i like syphon filter 3 and omega strain. TOP WORK from mark snow. lol snow. owner of website sir. can i have some mittens
man thank u so much i just love syphon filter this soundtrack is so amazing me tears came out when i listen to this beautiful tracks MARK SNOW the best composer i ever heard about
Weirdly enough you can't download them to a computer anymore... :/ Might be a site bug or something else... Well hopefully they'll fix it down the road.
Amazing soundtrack by Mark Snow. The only thing I really dislike about the music is when in a lot of songs, he seems to keep the music going long after it should have ended or looped. I'm not sure how else to describe it, but it gives me the impression that he ran out of ideas for one song but wanted to extend it. Again, difficult for me to describe, but there are examples of it EVERYWHERE in this soundtrack.

Otherwise, I love it and Mark Snow has some fantastic creative ideas that I'm so grateful to him for.
i like that video game music soundtrack. it reminds me of the sony ps1 music soundtrack of: sony's syphon filter 3 (sony ps1 music soundtrack).