Sambomaster wa Kimi ni Katari Kakeru [Sambomaster]

why did the other guest rate them only 5?? -_- they are fantastic. their songs are not only nice sounding but their lyrics have a lot of meaning.
Sambomaster is one of the more interesting Japanese groups I've heard lately.

The style of music they play is something else, for sure... Good stuff!

The first time I heard anything from Sambomaster was Seishun Kyousoukyoku (Naruto opening), and I fell in love after hearing it!

I hope to hear more wonderful music from this group, and to see more of it posted here.
It's very hard to find these kind of music these days. This is one of my favorite bands besides SHAKALABBITS, LM.C, Veltpunch, Snowkel, Kelun.
These songs are very very very nice to listen especially when the mood is on. Keep up the good music =)
Japanese alternative rock band... Wow. I honestly did not think it'd work. Found them on youtube while browsing random clips. I like the fact that the front man is a cool geek.
One of the more interesting bands, watch a performance and you'll see what i mean! Great energy, feeling, and the meaning behind their songs....sometimes brings a tear to my eye. Even when i don't know the lyrics to Utago yoo Kore
The Naruto opening was the first Sambomaster song I ever heard and it was amazing!What a rockin',sweet band!I love their style...Shuumatsu soul is a really great song too,it's one of my favorites.
One of my favorite Japanese bands. Bought this album after hearing it here. Other groups to check out- Scoobie Do, Asian Kung fu Generation, DISH, Nico Touches the Walls, Hemenway, Aqua Timez.