Chatty (PC-88) (gamerip) (1988)

A solid early album by Manabu Saito, a talented young master of early synth who tragically died at a very young age. This album feels in many way like a proto-Yami no Ketsuzoku on the X68000 that he also scored, which if you haven't heard, you should go listen to (Out of 450 albums I've reviewed thus far, it's one of my all-time favorites). The quality of the instruments and general composition is high and the album does a good job of balancing feelings of somberness, melancholy, and terror in the various tracks. A couple tracks (Police, Unknown 4) also make use of a sour twang, which most composers do not skillfully do. Overall, worth a listen, 9/10.

Best Tracks: Ending, Unknown 1
Also Good:
Opening 2, City, Bar, Novel Generator, Police, Kienan (Pathetic), Kienan (Seriously Injured), Married Ending, Unknown 2, Unknown 3 (esp. after 0:52), Unknown 4 (good weird track)
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